Submit Multimedia Files

Submit your multimedia files directly to our editorial office via

For fast uploads please attach your file(s) as compressed zip. files. Before submitting your multimedia files, please check the following points.

1) All the multimedia files limited to 20 minutes are in mp4, flash video (flv.), MPEG, DVD video format, mov., avi., and mwv. formats or video on CD/DVD.

2) Please set the video aspect ratio as 4:3 or 16:9 (widescreen). The original video should be of high quality. The resolution is no less than 1280*720, the frame rate no less than 24 frames per second, and the bit rate no lower than 5Mbps.

3) Do not insert music into the video, unless the authors can provide written permission from the publisher for the re-use of the music while submitting the video.

4) All the text notes, explanations or descriptions, etc. in the video must be in English. A logo or watermark of a hospital should not be stuck on the screen. Plus, the information of patients should be erased from the video.

5) The legends for the video should be provided. The video should be numbered consecutively in the order of reference in the text.

For promotion, all accepted videos will be subsequently included in AME Surgical Video Database (ASVIDE: and its YouTube channel (

Once the upload has been initiated, do not close the window until you have received on-screen confirmation that your upload has been successful. Please note that the maximum size of each file has a limit of 2GB. If your file(s) for submission are greater than this limit, please divide the file into multiple segments, with the file names labelled in the correct order.

You can see the author instruction for more information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: