
ASOHNS 69th Annual Scientific Meeting

Published: 2018-06-26

Friday, 22 March - Sunday, 24 March 2019

Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Southbank, Brisbane, Queensland

Invitation from ASOHNS President

Dear Colleagues

Welcome to ASOHNS 69th Annual Scientific Meeting at Brisbane’s Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Each ASM builds on the strength of the previous meeting and showcases the capacity and rigour of the discipline of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery in Australia.

Through our ASM, ASOHNS strives to provide members with opportunities for continued professional development and peer interaction.

Led by Scott Coman and Ben Wallwork, the organizing committee has put together a dynamic main scientific program with leading local and international experts.

Enjoy the camaraderie and the opportunities to see new technologies, treatments and our supporters, sponsors, and trade exhibitors in Brisbane.

Phil Fisher FRACS
President ASOHNS

Convener's Invitation

Dear Colleagues

It is with great pleasure that we extend this invitation for you to join us at the 69th annual ASOHNS meeting. The meeting will be held in Brisbane from 22 – 24 March 2019.

Plans are well underway to ensure that the meeting will offer something for all the varied interests of our specialty. As always there will be an emphasis on cutting-edge techniques, technology, and science, along with practical knowledge for general ENT surgical practice and for those in training.

The organizing committee have arranged an exciting array of international guest speakers to complement our local expertise. A Paediatric airway course is being planned as a satellite meeting prior to the main meeting.

ASOHNS 2019 will be held at the Brisbane Convention Centre at Southbank. March is a fantastic time to enjoy the warm weather and everything that Brisbane and Queensland has to offer.

We look forward to seeing you in Brisbane in March 2019.

Scott COman and Ben Wallwork FRACS
ASOHNS ASM 2019 Conveners