Friday, 9 March - Sunday, 11 March 2018
Crown Perth, Great Eastern Highway, Burswood WA 6100
Invitation from ASOHNS President
Dear Colleagues
On behalf of ASOHNS, I extend an invitation and a very warm welcome to you, and your partners and families if possible, to attend our 68th Annual Scientific Meeting in Perth in 2018.
The ASOHNS ASM is renowned for delivering excellent opportunities for continued learning and development and peer interaction for our members, trainees, and visitors.
We are confident the 2018 meeting will continue to uphold the high standard of our previous ASMs.
With so many rapid advances in medicine - particularly within our specialty - the meeting’s theme “Brave New World” is especially appropriate.
While the program will focus on applying innovation to our practices, we expect the program’s content and structure to continue its approach in combining much-needed practical, “how to do it” information alongside updates on the latest techniques and developments in our specialty.
Apart from gaining increased theoretical knowledge, we know that one of the key benefits of attending these meetings is the chance to meet face-to-face with our friends and colleagues. Breakfast sessions and satellite meetings, together with social functions, will offer more relaxed and interactive opportunities for increasing skills and exchanging information and ideas.
For visitors traveling from interstate and overseas, we encourage you to bring your partners and families and extend your stay. Perth is a beautiful, dynamic, and friendly city and the capital of Australia’s largest state, Western Australia, whose land area is as large as France, Spain, Germany, and Scandinavia combined.
While it is one of the newest cities in the world, Perth is the gateway to some of the oldest, most diverse, and visually dramatic landscapes on Earth. Well worth taking some family time out to explore and enjoy.
I look forward to welcoming you all to the ASOHNS ASM 2018.
Christopher Perry OAM FRACS
President ASOHNS
Convener's Invitation
Dear Colleagues
Preparations are well underway for the 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of ASOHNS to be held in Perth in March 2018.
The organizing committee have finalized a list of eminent international speakers and I am delighted to invite you to Perth for this meeting.
The Australian surgical community is addressing challenges relating to behavior and culture.
There have also been exciting developments within our specialty that reflect our desire for continuing improvement and application of innovation to the benefit of our patients. All this is reflected in the theme of our meeting: “Brave New World”.
It will be held in the recently refurbished Crown Convention Centre situated on the banks of Perth’s Swan River, offering an attractive and pleasing environment in close proximity to the sophisticated and modern CBD area.
I hope you will be able to attend the meeting and perhaps extend your stay for a holiday to visit some fascinating and beautiful areas in the Western Australia state. At that time of year, the early autumn weather will be balmy and pleasant.
I look forward to welcoming you to Perth.
Francis Lannigan FRACS
Keynote Speakers
For more information about Keynote Speakers, please click here
Call for Abstracts
Abstract submissions are now open.
For more information about abstract submission, please click here
For more information about the ASOHNS ASM 2018, go to ASOHNS ASM 2018 website